welcome to the inner circle

Join our nonprofit membership program and be a part of a transformative journey toward a more compassionate, equitable, and sustainable future!

Knowledge. Growth. Impact. Connections

‘This was exactly what I needed as a new non-profit kicking off.

I’m glad that I didn’t have to do trial and error before acquiring the knowledge and skills I need to run an impactful non-profit organization.

Glad I found Donors for Africa and Chidi is a great leader, she knows how to carry everyone along”.

Chinwe Enyinna

Founder, Pamirian Foundation


Our Objectives

    • To strengthen your capacity to successfully implement your work by providing useful strategy, training, and support
    • To inspire, educate and empower development experts to boldly and continuously continue their work
    • To grow a group of selected well-trained nonprofits whom donor organizations can trust to implement their work
    • To have a group of well-trained organizations ready to generate their own funds, receive funding, access grants, and opportunities
    • To foster collaborations and partnerships to scale up individual vision and increase the impact
    • To increase networking opportunities between you and other social entrepreneurs across Africa
    • To enable you to create empowered institutions with the right internal structures, armed with a clear road map for action
    • To help you identify your unique challenges and take active steps towards addressing each specific area.

5 Years. 124 Organizations served. Countless Impact Stories Recorded.


Proven Results!


Trust me, I Understand.

  • What it means to work so hard, yet reap so little.
  • What it means not to access funding for your work (3-5 years in a role)
  • Use your salary or funds from business to fuel this passion and help people
  • How you have written several grant applications, proposals, and concept papers, yet no progress
  • How you are constantly overwhelmed, confused, tired, uncertain, and feel stuck
  • You know there is the next level but it feels like you have done all you should, yet no progress?
  • Maybe you are new and just don’t know how to go about this.
  • You know you can be more efficient as a leader

About the DFA
Inner Circle

The DFA Inner Circle is a membership program designed for the forward-thinking, passion-driven development professional, looking to make a visible impact in his/her community.

We enable you and your organization with a clear road map to tackle some of your biggest challenges so you can produce the right results.

Inner circle
Inner circle

''We are a carefully curated, connected, competent, collaborative community''.

We help you create, launch, and scale up the impact of your work, providing the right platform to increase your visibility and thought leadership.

We are a vibrant social movement incubator dedicated to providing you with the right technical expertise to guarantee sustainability annually.

I will make sure to recommend DFA to any organization whether it is a start-up or an existing one. Since I joined, we have completely restrategized. I learned how to write an action plan. to be tenacious, to follow up, and to use social media to my advantage. We have a clear course of action as a team and most importantly, we have moved forward. There is so much to learn in the inner circle. I don't know how Chidi does it but she is humble despite all her achievements and is very patient. She is also passionate about what she does and that passion radiates through her. Thank you DFA
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Save A Life Cancer Awareness
I have gained an immense clarity of vision and finally designed our product development and pricing. Because of all the learning, within 3 months of being in the inner circle, I was motivated to register my organization, set systems, and structures and we are currently working with 4 other organizations. The challenge was a very good experience as it was specific and targeted, giving me a lot of direction and answering questions I may not have known to ask. Final closing words: The inner circle was a great learning experience for me on many levels. I am grateful for the opportunity to have met with women who really want to change the world.

Who is this for?

  • If you are new to the nonprofit sector and you desire to make a difference but don’t know how or where to start from.
  • You have at least 2-15 years of experience in the nonprofit sector or looking to transit from other sectors to the development sector.
  • If you desire to build thought leadership and channel your passion, investing the time and commitment required
  • You want to market your nonprofit products and close new partnerships or improve existing ones.
  • Identify strategies on how to become a global citizen.
  • If you are looking to build in the right structure within your organization so that you can lead effectively, innovatively, and efficiently.
  • You are working on this all alone and need a community to encourage and support you along your journey.

Does this sound like you?

It's been a rollercoaster experience with myself entering with little or no idea on what was needed to run my organization smoothly. By the second month, I had a clear line of sight. Our plans on paper now scare us but we know we have it covered😁. This was an investment worth every penny, the support, encouragement, opportunities, and direction gained here will last a very long time. Thank you, DFA for an amazing experience.
Omobolanle Ajijola
Bina Al-Amal Foundation
Wowww! Such growth in so short a time. Since joining the Inner Circle, we accessed new grants, built a strong organizational structure, and most importantly was handheld through it all. My management skills, stakeholder management, and resource mobilization have drastically improved. Being in the inner circle prepared us better to work as a non-profit. It has built our capacity in different ways. Please get on board Thank you, DFA for an amazing experience.
Ezinne Okey-Uchendu
Zinnok Initiative

Who is this NOT for?

  • Right now you are inundated and may not be able to fully commit to the membership program.
  • You really would love to but just can’t make the financial commitment and would prefer to figure a lot of things out on your own.
  • You are looking for quick fixes and a magic wand that will solve all your problems
  • You procrastinate a lot, make excuses and wont be able to show up 100%
  • If this is you, then the membership community may not be a good fit at this time.

Do you prefer 1-on-1 coaching and a personalized strategy for yourself, nonprofit, or training for your team?

Please click the button below to send an email titled ‘Private Coaching’ or join the VIP+ Coaching


Hi there!

I’m here to help.

As a startup founder, I built the team at DFA and relationships to generate nearly $30M in revenue.

I have led the team to close several global partnerships, with Meta ( then Facebook being the latest) and I can show you how.

If you are a nonprofit founder bootstrapping and building from scratch , I can help you become a formidable force in your sector, shortening your journey by using my network to access opportunities to address your needs.

If you want to skip the wait and wasted energy, secure a VIP Strategy Day to receive a tailor made strategy to get you directly to your destination.

Working with Chidi was a transformational experience. Months after, my solution health port became a medical asset management company. In March 2021, we were invited to Euroaid Colab for COVID Action. In May 2021, we won a $20,000 grant (DPRIZE) to run HealthPort pilot. In June, we were invited to join Evey Breath Coalition along with other global health partners on solving the oxygen access problem. We have forged partnerships with leading state health ministries, planning an oxygen fast tract with Pittsburgh based innovation to low resource settings.
Working with UNICEF innovation lab to design a better-fit concentrator for low resource settings and just this morning, helped with designing a grant application for oxygen access. HealthPort launched in July 2021. If you are looking for tangible growth and impact, just sign up. Your investment is minute compared to the exponential growth awaiting you. Thank you so much for all you do and for keeping us all connected.
Aisha Ade'Olorode
Founder, IQRA Foundation and HealthPort

Who can I
best help?

  • You have at least 2 years of experience as an expert or rising professional in your field. You’re excellent at what you do and know you can work access the opportunities individuals like yourself have accessed in global development.
  • You have generated some results but believe there is room for much more
  • You desire to build a solid structure with the right internal processes
  • You want to build solid partnerships that transcends to revenue from corporations, non-profits, and educational institutions.
  • You want to use your passion, skills, talents and expertise to deliver real impact in development acrss the globe.
  • You’re excited to reach out to thrive in this sector but not about the next steps to take.
  • You’re working on this all alone, frankly speaking, exhaused and need guidance to support you along your journey.

Does this sound like you?

Who can I
not serve?

  • Right now you are overwhelmed with day to day activities and really may not have the time to committ to the process.
  • You are presently focused on activities and not sustainability and this is ok as this may be the phase you are currently at.
  • You aren’t yet an expert in your field and still need more experience to be ready to work with larger clients and access larger grants. The annual membership is an excellent alternative
  • Working with corporates and securing large scale funding is a long term dream of yours but not something you can work on at this time.

Why Join The
DFA Inner Circle?


To Foster a Community of Change-Makers

Our Inner Circle Membership program aims to bring together individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact. By fostering a community of like-minded change-makers, we create a powerful collective force dedicated to addressing pressing social issues.


To support you in Mobilizing Resources for Meaningful Impact

One key objective is to help you mobilize resources effectively. Through our inner circle, we show you how to generate your own funds, access grants and gather the support needed to fund impactful projects, initiatives, and campaigns that directly contribute to positive social change.


To Provide you Access to Relevant Knowledge and Expertise

Our members are empowered with knowledge and expertise. The DFA Inner Circle program provides exclusive access to educational resources, workshops, private sessions and expert insights, enabling you to enhance your understanding of key issues and contribute more effectively.

Inner circle

Eniola Adefioye. Founder, TRIL, 5 Times Inner Circle Member

Inner Circle

To show you how to Build Sustainable Solutions

Our objective is not just to address immediate challenges but to work towards creating sustainable solutions. Imagine you having clarity and a blueprint to implement your BOLD IDEAS.


To Support Your Professional Development

An essential goal of the DFA Inner Circle is to support the professional development of our members. Through training sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities, we strive to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to be effective agents of change in their respective fields.

What We Offer

VIP+ Membership

  • 12 weeks of Intensive Engagement
  • 3 private personal coaching
  • Your own organization comprehensive strategic plan
  • Access to videos and resources at the DFA academy
  • In-depth audit to evaluate your current needs and identify key goals to focus on
  • A personal development growth plan
  • Customized solution to your nonprofit needs
  • Unhindered structured access
  • First option for Donor Pairing & Matching ( Priority consideration)
  • First choice as Project Implementing Partners
  • Access to free + discounted templates
  • Access to 14 days of follow-up feedback via email, voice notes, whatever works
  • Member spotlight and Feature on platforms for visibility and recommendation for TV radio interviews
  • First choice as project implementing partners
  • Regular assignments and action plans
  • All the benefits of the Inner Circle Premium Membership included.

Premium Membership

  • Group welcome session with our Founder
  • 1 Annual Comprehensive Nonprofit Strategy. 
  • Monthly carefully curated topics and group sessions
  • Dedicated group coaching (Via email)
  • Access to numerous learning videos and resources covering several topics.
  • Monthly updates on nonprofit trends and global opportunities
  • Access to the private WhatsApp community for premium subscribers.
  • Access to ongoing funding opportunities, job openings, conferences, fellowships etc
  • Access to exclusive guests’ sessions
  • Accountability and peer to peer mentoring,
  • Access to free editable templates
  • Access to discounted templates
  • Regular assignments and action plans,
  • Participate in innovative short-term activities to propel you forward.
  • Virtual & In-person, Annual and Quarterly meet ups
  • Member spotlight and Feature on platforms for visibility and recommendation for TV radio interviews
  • Join a community that supports you, helps you thrive, and cheers you on

Commitment Fee: N100,000

Working with Chidi helped us move from 0 to accessing over $300,000 in grants. She has helped us immensely in hiring a new team, building a solid structure, redesigning our programs and many more. Recently, we were one of the organizations selected to access the $1M funds from NBC. Chidi has been our go to for everything development and I am so grateful for her. Thank you, DFA for an amazing experience.
Bukola Bamiduro
Karis & Eleos Foundation
Working with Chidi was an answer to a prayer. Prior to this time, I always to wondered how organizations run smoothly throughout the year. Following the principles from the sessions, we were awarded the Best NGO 2020 in Cameroon. The number of our partners, funding and projects tripled. Indeed people perish for lack of knowledge. Thank you, DFA for an amazing experience.
Founder, Cells of a Generation

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Lagos, Nigeria

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+234 902-185-1964